Are you tired of creating content for your social media channels, only to see little to no engagement? It can be frustrating to put in time and effort into your social media strategy, only to see little return on investment.
However, the problem may not be your content, but rather, the way you’re approaching your social media strategy. In this blog, we’ll be discussing some common reasons why your social media strategy may not be getting the engagement you’re looking for, and how a social media agency in the UK or a digital marketing agency in London can help.

Let’s get into it!

  1. You Haven’t Optimised Your Content:

    Unoptimized content can greatly affect a social media strategy’s engagement. When content is not optimized for each platform, it may not resonate with the target audience, resulting in low engagement. This can include not using the right language, tone, and style, as well as not understanding the unique characteristics of each platform.
    For example, if a brand is posting Instagram-worthy photos and videos on LinkedIn, it may not get the same level of engagement as it would on Instagram because LinkedIn is more of a professional networking platform and the audience may be looking for more business-related content.

Unoptimized content can also result in poor timing, by not understanding the best times to post on each platform, the content may not reach a large number of audience and may not be seen by the target audience.
Additionally, unoptimized content can also result in poor targeting, by not understanding the demographics and behavior of the target audience, the brand may be creating content that is not relevant to them, leading to low engagement.

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  1. You Content Calendar Isn’t Up To Date:

    Updating your content calendar can help with a social media strategy’s engagement in a few ways.

First, it ensures that you are consistently posting on each platform. Social media algorithms are designed to prioritize content from accounts that post regularly.

Second, a content calendar can help you post at the optimal times. Not all times are created equal when it comes to social media engagement. By scheduling your posts at the best times, you’ll increase the chances of your content being seen by the largest number of people. This can be different for each platform, and by updating your content calendar, you can make sure you’re posting at the best times for each platform.

Third, a content calendar allows you to plan ahead and create a mix of content that resonates with your target audience. It helps you to maintain a balance between promoting your products or services, and providing valuable information and entertainment to your audience. This way you can avoid overpromoting which can lead to unfollowing or decreased engagement.

Lastly, a content calendar can help you to track the performance of your posts and identify what works and what doesn’t. By analyzing the engagement rates and making adjustments accordingly, you can improve your social media strategy and increase engagement.

  1. You’re Not Cross-Chanelling:

Using a cross-channel approach can increase engagement on social media by reaching a wider audience and increasing brand awareness.

When you use a cross-channel approach, you’re not just relying on one platform to reach your target audience. You’re instead using multiple platforms to reach a wider audience. By having a presence on multiple platforms, you increase the chances of your content being seen by your target audience, regardless of which platform they’re primarily using.

Additionally, when you use a cross-channel approach, you can also target different segments of your audience on different platforms. For example, you can use LinkedIn to target professionals and decision-makers, while using Instagram to target younger consumers.
Furthermore, using a cross-channel approach allows you to use different types of content on different platforms. For example, a video on YouTube, an image on Instagram, a live stream on Facebook, or a tweet on Twitter. This can help you to reach a wider audience and increase brand awareness.

  1. You’re Too Text-Focused:

    Using only text in posts can greatly affect social media engagement. Research shows that 68% of social media users prefer visual content such as images and videos over text-based posts. This is because visual content is more engaging and easier to consume than text-based posts. People are more likely to stop and take a look at an image or a video than to read a text post.

Visual content, on the other hand, can be more eye-catching and appealing to users, as it can convey a message or story more effectively than text alone.

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  1. You’re Not Fishing When The Tide Is Rolling In:

    You can’t go fishing during low tide and expect to catch giant fish. The same goes for posting on social media. When you post your content can really affect how much engagement you get. There’s always a “sweet spot” timing to post, no matter what kind of business you run. This is when your audience is ultra-engaged and actively using the social platform. You need to take hold of this opportunity and cast your line (AKA post!) when the timing is right.

  2. Your Customer Service May Not Be Up To Mark:

Poor customer service can greatly affect your social media engagement. Social media is a powerful tool for customer service, and it’s an easy and convenient way for customers to reach out to brands with their questions, concerns, and complaints. However, if your customer service is poor, it can lead to negative consequences for your social media engagement. In fact, poor customer service is one of the leading reasons people unfollow brands.
When a customer has a problem or a question, they often turn to social media for help. If your brand is unresponsive or unhelpful, it can lead to a negative experience for the customer, and they may choose to unfollow your brand. This not only affects engagement on your social media channels, but it can also lead to a loss of customers and negative word-of-mouth.

On the other hand, by providing excellent customer service, you can increase customer loyalty and engagement

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Now that you know why your engagement is low, you probably want to up your social media strategy game. But, you’ve already got so much to do, and so little time! What now?
Well, you can kick back and relax, that’s what. Because Explosion Digital is here to help. As a social media agency in the UK, we’re experienced when it comes to building high-engagement strategies.

Contact us today and learn more about how our digital marketing agency in London can help you.

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