We live in a fast-paced world where pretty much everything is online. Especially given the times we live in, the pandemic really has made it so that online platforms are the most relevant ones. This is why it’s important for you or your company to have a good online presence, because when you have a better presence online, you’re more likely to make more sales / provide your services to a larger paying audience. It can get a bit much sometimes, however, when you have to make and manage multiple social media accounts and handle their marketing. That’s where we come in! Here at Explosion Digital, we offer you some of the best paid media marketing services in Amersham. So, if you want to learn more about the impact of social media and how our marketing agency in Amersham can help you, read on.

Some Statistics for 2021!

Before we get into how a marketing agency can help you on social platforms, here’s a few statistics to help you understand just how integral an online presence is to you and your company. We’ll list it out according to some of the most used social media apps, so you’ll get a clearer idea of how important each one is for your company’s reach.


Facebook was one of the first social media platforms, and is still considered one of the best. It has a booming marketplace, full of all sorts of products and services that may come of use to a wide array of people. To elaborate on the impact of Facebook, here’s a few statistics to help you comprehend the massive amounts of traffic Facebook can bring to your company.

–          Over 1.84 BILLION daily ACTIVE users: That’s more than a quarter of the entire world’s population! That’s a number that’s hard to fathom, but all you need to know is that this helps give you a wide audience and platform for your company. Through this massive amount of traffic, your company will be spoilt for choice when it comes to opportunities and sales.

–          Around 80% of consumers have discovered products and services through Facebook: The ad world of facebook is highly relevant in today’s context, and with it’s simple yet effective marketplace, you can reach billions of people and your company will grow rather rapidly.


LinkedIn is the ideal social media platform when it comes to businesses and companies. It’s like facebook, but for the corporate world. Through LinkedIn, you can make a lot of relevant business connections. Not to mention, your engagement rate will go through the roof when you optimize your social media marketing strategy for LinkedIn.

–          96% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn as a platform for organic social media marketing

–          100% higher engagement rate for companies that post regularly on LinkedIn


Instagram is currently one of the most used social media platforms in the world. It’s even more popular than even Facebook, and it doesn’t seem to stop growing. This makes it the ideal platform for your company to increase its traffic, get more clients, and close more deals!

Instagram offers a more colourful and visual approach to social media marketing, with pictures and infographics doing really well on average. Instagram is ideal for fast-paced consumer content, and it helps you make sales more rapidly because of this feature.

  • 200 Million and more users on Instagram visit at least one brand profile on the daily: This ensures that more people will see your content and be inclined towards your products / services.
  • 71% of users are under 35 years of age: This is relevant because Instagram allows you to witness (in real time) your traffic and the demographics of such. This will help you optimize your content to cater to your audience better.


If Instagram is ideal for fast-paced content, then Twitter is pretty much the holy grail. With a 280 character limit per tweet, you’ll have to be clever with your words and deliver all your information in a nice little quick-to-consume package.

Twitter is optimal when it comes to sharing content, because people are very likely to click on links in tweets. Twitter also allows you to connect all your social media platforms so you can unify your online presence and drive traffic from one page to the other with ease.

  • Over 330 Million ACTIVE monthly users: This alone tells you that your content will reach a wide mass of people, from all demographics.
  • Tweets that use hashtags gain 21% higher engagement rates than tweets without: Hashtags will help your company reach more people, and using relevant ones can really help you grow your business. With hashtags, you’re able to segment your content and people who are interested will flock towards your page because of the popularity of hashtags being used.

Why You Should Hire A Paid Media Marketing Agency in Amersham  

Now that you’re aware of some of the most mind-blowing statistics related to social media in 2021, you’re probably on board with having a strong online presence. But, sadly, it can be really hard to manage several media platforms and keep up to date with trends, all while running your business.

When you hire Explosion Digital, you get to take the stress of handling your online presence off your plate so you can focus on your company’s main goals. When you don’t have to worry about keeping up-to-date with your posts across so many platforms, you’re able to run your business more efficiently and focus on your long-term (and short-term business goals).

It goes without saying that you get your money’s worth when you hire a social media marketing agency. In fact, because of the traffic increase, you’re actually getting more than your money’s worth. When you hire us, you’re also growing your company’s online presence, so it’s quite a symbiotic relationship.

Not to mention, you get to see updates on your business’s growth, because we offer 100% transparency and help you understand just where we’re making needed changes. For example, if you come to us with the idea of growing your online presence, we’ll give you regular statistics to show you just how much we’ve increased your traffic over time. This way, you’re always kept in the loop!

Hiring a paid media marketing agency is not an expense, but is truly an investment.

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Ways We Can Help

Hiring a social media marketing agency can really up your business’s game and heighten your engagement significantly. Instead of handling it on your own, you’ll have a team of professionals who are trained to get down to the nitty-gritty details and make life much easier for you. Here’s a few ways we’ll be able to help with your online presence:

  1. Planning and Strategy: Our agency will study your current online performance, and look into your competition as well, to see how we can optimize your content. We’ll even give you a full-fledged report and indicate areas that need attention. During this stage, you can tell us what your online goals are, so we can come up with a plan to grow your company together. We’ll come up with a detailed content plan and elucidate on how we’re going to execute it.
  2. Promotions and Brand Recognition: Our team has extensive knowledge when it comes to online brand recognition and promotions. We have the ability to help your brand get noticed online while sharing quality content on the right channels. We’re very particular when it comes to staying on-brand, so we’ll be able to correctly represent your business and what it stands for.
  3. Saving Time and Achieving Goals: A lot of companies make rookie mistakes when it comes to social media marketing. This can actually have a very big (and bad) impact on your online presence, which is why you should leave it to professionals to help with your social presence online. When you hire us, we’ll put a plan in place and work on it, measuring results along the way and keeping you up to date. We’ll be able to evaluate your online performance, so you won’t have to worry about it yourself. This leaves you a lot of time to focus on your company and achieve your main goals.
  4. Tips and Tricks!:
    Social media is an ever-changing art form, with new trends coming out almost every single day. It gets hard to stay on top of things when things are changing so rapidly. It’s our job to stay up to date and on trend, while cruising through the algorithm to make sure your content is the most seen. We’ll be able to determine what posts to boost and when, according to the amount of traffic it will bring. We’re well adept at handling social media, with a whole bunch of tips and tricks in our pockets to help you get the best out of it.
  5. Having a Dedicated Team At Your Disposal:When you run a company / business, it can be really hard to create, post, and respond to content on a daily and regular basis. Your job is predominantly to run your own business, so you shouldn’t have to worry about the small details too. When you hire us, our team dedicates 100% of its time towards your social media marketing, so you know your online presence is in good hands. Since it’s our job, we look at it with blinders, and give all our focus and attention to it so you don’t have to!

In Conclusion..

You’re now aware of the benefits that come with hiring a paid media marketing agency, and just how integral an online presence is to your business. We’re one of the best social media marketing agencies in Amersham, so leave it to us and we’ll make sure you explode into the digital world!

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